ATTENTION MUSICIANS! If You’re Tired Of Aimlessly Trying To Grow Your Fanbase We Have The Answers To Change Your Life By Getting Fans! 🧪

We Believe In Helping Musicians So We Do It In A Way Musicians Can Afford 💸

Artists I’ve Worked With:

The Cure, Animal Collective, The Menzingers, “Weird” Al Yankovic, Pop Smoke, Laufey, Brand New, The Misfits, Limp Bizkit, Penelope Scott, Basement, NOFX, Lizzy McAlpine, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Cafune, Cavetown, Somos, Man Overboard, Leftover Crack, Health, Chloe Morriondo, Transit, Danny Brown, Bad Books,  Nothing Nowhere, Coco & Clair Clair, Saves The Day, Foxing, Jpeg Mafia, Say Anything, Thank You Scientist, The Front Bottoms, Hot Mulligan, Frost Children, Yot Club & Many More.

Hi, I’m Jesse Cannon 👋

I worked nearly every job in the music industry by the time I was in my early twenties, music journalist, concert promoter at 3 legendary NYC clubs (and soundman), record label publicist and retail promoter, engineer at the legendary radio station WFMU.

But my real passion was producing records so I went full time with that and worked with some of the biggest acts in music and made thousands of records. But a weird thing happened is the bands I would produce would always tell labels my marketing ideas and I got into that and then I managed some successful bands. I even own two of NYC’s top recording studios. Eventually I worked at Atlantic Records,

Fast forward to today.

I left record production behind since the long hours got to be a lot, and decided to focus on what people really wanted from me – my ideas on getting your music heard. Which is why I wrote the most popular book ob building a fanbase on Amazon, Get More Fans and the widely praised guide to artist development Processing CreativityI now work full time marketing some of the biggest musicians and I am paid by top media companies like Rolling Stone, IHeartMedia and The Daily Beast to produce and market things the world hears. My team and I have crafted a YouTube channel, books, this amazing membership program where I teach you how to blow up your music. 

Whatever stage of building your fanbase you're at,
we've got something that can kickstart people finally hearing your music 😊

Musformation (FREE)

Scour the Internet and you will see almost nothing that is unanimously agreed upon, but our content is an exception as it’s suggested across social media to anyone starting out trying to learn how to build a fanbase. This is the starting point, our YouTube Channel tells musicians everything they need to know to grow while being continuously praised as the best information in the business even by those who work with the biggest artists. We constantly hear that major label A&R and top managers tell musicians to study our channel and come back to them when they have traction. We cover how to start your project as well as how to how to get fans as you are releasing music on a regular basis. If you prefer reading a website I have that foundation built here as well. Just follow the arrows and read, watch or however you prefer taking it in. Some people even listen to this YouTube playlist on their morning drives. If you only watch this we are happy we helped you. Hit us up if you ever need more and get subscribed with notifications on since we drop new knowledge weekly for free.

Musformation Labs ($5 a month)

Every week you get an hour long video where Jesse Cannon shows you how musicians are changing their lives by getting people to finally hear their music. In each video we dissect an artist that has been suggested by the members who has recently blown up and break down exactly how they did it. We also break down the cheat codes for how artists in nice genres regularly break out and show you what to focus on and what not to focus on. We also recap new trends, or news that could help you break your music as apps, algorithms and platforms change. We end each installment with a Q&A every week where I answer your questions live on air and put a lot of effort into answering them thoroughly. 

Musformation Calls ($200/hour)

Many of you have heard so much advice its hard to know what YOU should do so you need to talk to someone who can talk you through it. Jesse personally does each call for an hour of undivided attention. Whether you just have questions, want to brainstorm ideas for content, discuss how you can find the best team or collaborators we are haeppy to talk. We have you fill out a quick form beforehand so we can make sure we are the right fit for a call. After doing calls with over 2500+ different musicians we have never been asked for a refund because we make sure everyone we take on is a good fit. After the call you get a transcript, notes and a video recording of it. Any time you don’t use during the first call is credited to your account and can be used in the future.

Musformation Growth ($999-$10,000)

Some of you need need a bi-weekly call to align strategy with growth. We only take on artists we feel we can be helpful in your growth and are ready for this stage of strategy. While you may have the money we try to only do this with people we feel we can help. We pride ourselves on these relationships as none have lasted less than 36 months.

If You Don’t Know What’s Right For You Email Us And We Will Help You 🤔